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Monday, February 10, 2014

Bedroom talk

When we transferred to our current home last March, one of my goals was to really decorate the other room for our then unborn Alonzo.  I had a really bad case of what people on the internet call "nesting"  which is, as the term suggests, a behavior particular to mother birds who busy themselves preparing the nest for the cute little baby birds.  I just wanted Alonzo to have a nice playroom even though he wouldn't have any idea about it.  Basically, it was for me really.  :)

The baby room before my hormones suggested I needed to fix it up

I had tons of ideas really.  I grew a love and hate relationship with Pinterest back then because almost everything in there were just so pretty that I wanted to just put it all in the room.  So, I decided to go easy and make something to stick/hang on the walls first.  I was almost 8 months preggers then and I felt so heavy, so I thought the wall decor would be manageable.

Phase 1

 I made the wall decals in Photoshop (thank God I paid attention in college) and had in printed on sticker.  Then I reused old frames I had and also bought a few cheap ones. I really didn't have photos to put since Alonzo was still inside my tummy then.  I was wary to put our photos IN HIS ROOM too. I mean, who likes their parents' photos- being sweet and all- inside their room?  So I went ahead and downloaded free photos from the internet.  I also used his ultrasound photos and paintings given to us by friends. I will write about the wall decors in a separate entry. :)

When I gave birth, the room overhaul was put to a pause.  I let it be for a few months, but I had a plan to continue with the improvements when Alonzo was bigger.

Alonzo was about 5 months when I decided I needed to continue the work so he can play in it (and also so Jerome and I can have a little bit of time together without Alonzo inside the room).  The first thing I did was to paint the room. I badly wanted to paint the whole room, but that would be too tiring. Plus, I had already put on the wall decals.  It would take me more time and effort to paint around it or remove them.  So, I just decided to paint a part of the room. I then gave his cabinet a new look by also painting it.  I went for more gender neutral colors like gray, yellow and white.  I really want to have a big family, 4 kids to be exact (that used to be 6, but I had a C-Section so that dream had to leave. :p). The future babies will have to share this room with Kuya Alonzo. :)

Now sharing some photos of the baby's room. It's not anything grand, but I love this room so much because it made me realize that I can do pretty things out of love.  :) <3 Awww, shucks.:p


A very very bad photo of the cabinet before the new paint
The newly painted cabinet. I will share in a separate entry how I painted the chevron patterns. :)

This chair was owned by Jerome's grandparents.  We had the cushions reupholstered. :)

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